# privateisland

Open Source FPGA Network Processor for Security, IoT, and Control.  

See LICENSE in this folder and reference to LICENSE in header of each Verilog source file. 

Contributors must agree to Contributor License Agreement (to be added).  

Brief Overview:

FPGAs are amazing!

Multi-port Etherent MAC, network switch, classifier, filter and more.  

Define the operation of your own device. Do things truly in parallel.  See packets like you never thought possible. 

The initial version of this project targets a Lattice ECP5UM FPGA. 

Project is Veriog only. Test benches are Verilog / System Verilog and will be added to project soon.

Build bit image using Lattice Diamond.  Project files are based on Windws 10 at C:\projects\lattice\privateisland\

The FPGA architecture assumes an external micro controller / processor.  The Darsena board uses an NXP K02.  Test code for the K02 will be available in a separate github repo. 

Please see further documentation at https://mindchasers.com/dev/private-island and additional related documentation referenced from this page.