What is the right FPGA for a four-port open-source networking project?
Aug 16, 2020
asked by Mind Chasers
Question / Issue:
We use the Lattice ECP5UM today, which is a nice part. However, it requires a paid Diamond license. There is also an open source effort with Yosys for the ECP5. Should we stay the course with the ECP5UM and get fully behind Yosys? We just finished 12 months in the trenches with the ECP5 on a production design and know it extremely well.
What are the other choices? EFINIX looks like it has great potential but no SERDES support yet. Intel has a couple expensive Cyclone V/X GX parts. Lattice now has Certus-NX with two SERDES/SGMII, but these use encrypted IP (unlike the ECP5UM).
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